We provide psychiatric home health Skilled Nursing Visits for medication management and instruction/education on mental illness diagnosis and medical diagnoses frequently found in conjunction with mental illness.
Mental Health Nursing services provided by experienced nurses include:
- Assessment of mental illness symptoms and need for crisis intervention
- Assessment of medication compliance
- Medications set up in medication box with a one week supply of medications
- Medication re-ordered from pharmacy and delivered to client on next visit
- Ability to have medications delivered by courier or mailed
- Ability to hold client meds for clients with safety or diversion concerns
- Injectable medication administration
- Instruction to the importance of medication compliance
- Instruction to client’s mental illness diagnosis
- Instruction to crisis resources and development of a crisis plan
- Instruction to medical diagnosis frequently found in conjunction with mental illness
- Coordination of mental health services with the client’s psychiatrist, primary physician, case manager, support staff and family